Noah's Ark Pre-School


01-14-14 - Noah’s Ark Update: submitted by Kellie Milhollen

Ø   The Christmas Program was successful. We haven’t heard any negative feedback from parents about including the program with the Church Service. We will see if this is something that comes up during the parent surveys. We have not had any families that attended the program come back for worship though.

Ø   We have begun to work on our number unit. We are up to number 5. We will finish it by the end of the month and then we will move on to letters. We will also be having the kids work on recognizing their last names.

Ø   The Perry School District contacted us about candidates for the UPK program there for next year. Perry school will contact those parents of the children who go here and let them know about the UPK program. We have 2 out of the 11 that are in the Perry School District. The other 2 are in the Warsaw District. At this time I am encouraging those parents to contact the school to learn about the program offered there.

Ø   We have already had a couple of calls about registration for next year and those parents where told that registration will be in May. As of right now I do not foresee any changes taking place with our program, but we will adapt if we need to.

Ø   Liz will be off 1 day in February Kellie will be gone 2 in March. Kellie will arrange for substitutes for those times.

Ø   In April and May we will plan on a few field trips/special events. We will keep you posted to what they are and when. Graduation will be May 22nd!

Ø   The carpet issue seems to have been resolved. We are still looking to get fans or screens for the doors for when the program is done for the season. We have left our door unlocked or opened and we have not had any problems with missing things or the room being used by other groups.


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