Saturday, October 3, 2020

10/4/20 Worship


Order of Worship - Sunday, October 4, 2020

Prelude               “Prelude on Irish”



Silent Prayer

Call To Worship

Gather us in, the lost and the lonely, the broken and breaking, the tired and the aching who long for nourishment found at your feast

The done and the doubting, the wishing and wondering, the puzzled and pondering who long for the company found at your feast.

The done and the doubting, the wishing and wondering, the puzzled and pondering who long for the company found at your feast.

the proud and pretentious, the sure and superior, the never inferior who long for the leveling found at your feast

the proud and pretentious, the sure and superior, the never inferior who long for the leveling found at your feast

GATHER US IN, the bright and the bustling, the stirrers, the shakers, the kind laughter makers who long for the deeper joys found at your feast.

from corner or limelight, from mansion or campsite, from fears and obsession, from tears and depression, from untold excesses, from treasured successes, to meet, to eat, to be given a seat, be joined to the vine, be offered new wine, become like the least, be found at the feast.

from corner or limelight, from mansion or campsite, from fears and obsession, from tears and depression, from untold excesses, from treasured successes, to meet, to eat, to be given a seat, be joined to the vine, be offered new wine, become like the least, be found at the feast.



Opening Song              Jesu, Jesu                    #432


Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love

Show us how to serve

The neighbors we have from you.


Verse One

Kneels at the feet of his friends,

Silently washes their feet,

Master who acts as a slave to them. (refrain)


Verse Two

Neighbors are rich and poor,

Neighbors are black and white,

neighbors are near and far away.




Verse Three

These are the ones we should serve,

 these are the ones we should love;

all these are neighbors to us and you.



Verse Four

Loving puts us on our knees,

Serving as though we are slaves,

This is the way we should live with you. (refrain)


Verse Five

Kneel at the feet of our friends,

Silently washing their feet,

This is the way we should live with you. (refrain)

 © 1969 and 1989 Hope Publishing Co. CCLI#20618583

 Offertory Prayer


Generous God, you have given so much to us, and we have offered back such small amounts in return. We have often served you as part-time followers, giving a fraction of our time and resources to your mission and an overwhelming share to our own indulgences. We strive to do better, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead – pressing on to the goal of serving Christ with all our being. In his name, we pray. Amen. (Philippians 3:4b-14)


Special Music      Love God Love People by Danny Gokey

                  © 2019 Danny Gokey  Capitol Christian Music Group      CCLI # 20618576

Scripture             Mark 12:28-34

Sermon                Love Your Neighbor    

Silent Reflection

Joys and Concerns

Pastoral Prayer

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

          Words of Institution

          The Lord’s Prayer

          Breaking of the Bread

          Sharing in the Bread and Cup

Prayer of Thanksgiving (After Communion)

God of new life, with joy we have received this sacrament of bread and cup, giving you thanks for Jesus Christ, our peace and our hope. Unite your church throughout the world in continuing Christ’s ministry of love and servanthood, that your name might be praised in all the earth. Amen.

Closing Song      Let Us Be Bread           sung 3x               #2260

Let us be bread, blessed by the Lord,

broken and shared, life for the world.

Let us be wine, love freely poured.

Let us be one in the Lord.

 Benediction/Sending Forth

Let the light of God’s love shine on you, in you, and through you as you go into God’s world to serve God’s people. Go in peace. AMEN.

Postlude              “Fantasy on Come Thou Fount”

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